Stormwater Separation Project

Stormwater Separation Project

The City has been awarded a federally funded grant through FEMA to aid in the separation of the City’s combined sanitary and stormwater system to alleviate future basement backups and street flooding.  The federal grant is in the amount of $21,627,583 and the City has a local match commitment for the balance of the project cost, which is estimated at $7,591,081, but may be more depending on actual project costs when bids are received.  To fund the City’s local match obligation, a bond proposal will be on the August 2024 ballot seeking authorization of $15 million to ensure the City does not lose the federal funding if project bids come in higher than the construction estimate.  In addition, the City has also been awarded a State grant through the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) for a road resurfacing project in the amount of $569,585 with a local match commitment for the balance of the project, which is estimated at roughly $300,000.  The City also has large capital expenditures planned over the next several years for large commercial vehicles (garbage trucks, dump trucks, front end loader) in need of replacement.  For this reason, this City intends to allocate up to $1.4 million of the $15 million on the MDOT grant match and other capital needs if bids for the stormwater separation project come in less than the total bond request. 

For an overview of the project, it’s scope, costs and timeline, please review the Stormwater Separation Projection Presentation.

For further clarity on various aspects of the project, please review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet.

For a map of the project area, click here.

August 6, 2024, Ballot Language

Stormwater Sewer Separation and Improvements Bond Proposal

Shall the City of Grosse Pointe, County of Wayne, Michigan, borrow the principal sum of not to exceed Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,000), and issue its unlimited tax general obligation bonds, in one or more series, payable in not to exceed twenty-one (21) years from the date of issue, to pay the cost of acquiring and constructing stormwater sewer separation improvements, including new stormwater sewers and pump station improvements, and other capital projects including acquisition of Department of Public Services equipment and street resurfacing improvements?  The estimated millage to be levied in 2025 is 1.8894 mills ($1.89 per $1,000 of taxable value) and the estimated simple average annual millage rate required to retire the bonds is 1.8844 mills ($1.88 per $1,000 of taxable value).

YES ___

NO ___